Paul, Beanie and I spent some time in the ER last night. We had been in a car accident. I hurt my knee and my ankle. Paul had a lot of bleeding from the head and Beanie was fine. At the ER we called ourselves Annabelle, Lewis and Student. There were only two doctors attending and they had the same last name. The female Dr. H. ran around with a headset and administered a lot of shots. The other Dr. H. was very thorough in his interview or whatever it is called when they ask a lot of questions before they examine you. He was big into X-rays.
I was seen first. By the time they got to Lewis he was delusional. Although he didn’t realize I was his wife he was quite flirtatious. He finally passed out. They only thing that saved him was a brain shock that somehow stimulated his heart. He also received some more shots. I can tell you he wasn’t happy about that. Nobody likes shots, but try some administered with a Tinker Toy rod and a colored pencil.
About a half an hour after their regular bedtime the female Dr. H. decided she wanted to be a patient and pitched a little fit when informed it was time for bed.
Finally we got them all down and Paul ran out to pick up Chinese.
This is my Stuff Portrait for Friday.
You know you are a grown up when your Friday night is spent pretending to be a victim of a car accident, eating Chinese late, then picking up the house before you go to bed…and you are happy.
LOL – Good Show!
You know, it’s a really good way to administer a shock to the heart by beginning your blog post “Friday night at the ER” — I had to read through twice just to make sure I was really understanding you are all fine and that you would seek medical care from other than your pre-pubescent children if you were really hurt. lol! 🙂
Look, I certainly ascribe to alternative treatments but when it comes to bleeding I run to the hospital every time. Don’t you worry.
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