Our company has departed. They were here 17 days. Days 1-6 were lots of fun for kids and grownups.
Around day 7 things started to crack, the kids were at each others’ throats, Paul had just left the country and I was weeping if I breathed.
By day 9 the other husband was gone and the kids were still fighting and the only words Margaret and I exchanged were to tell each other the other’s kid had hit one of our own.
Day 10 we both got out of the house, separately, which was vital for everyone.
Days 11 and 12 we did some fun things and spent a little time apart each day.
Days 13 and 14 she went to another friend’s cottage.
Early morning of Day 15 Paul returned and then late evening of Day 16 Matt returned. Yesterday the kids had a lot of fun together and we parents got out for dinner while my mom babysat for the 4th time. (She is going to have a MANSION in heaven!)
Last night at dinner, Matt thanked us again for our hospitality and we all dissolved into laughter thinking about the mayhem of the past weeks.
They are on their way to their new home for the next few years while Matt gets his Ph.d. As they were pulling away, Margaret shouted, “Give us four days and we’ll be ready for a visit!”
We’re going to give them a little bit more time to build up a longing.
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