My husband is a man of many newly discovered talents. My first blog recorded his fantastic achievements putting in floors that made the professionals quail. Last week he deftly replaced the tubing on our pool slide. The last few days he has been busy dominating the comment section in one of my posts. All this is new behavior but nothing prepared me for his latest activity.
The other day he was sort of lurking on the edge of the deep end doing something strange, I can’t remember what exactly. It attracted my attention.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Water aerobics,” was his quick response. And then in a flash we both remembered that his mom at one point was quite the afficianado of water aerobics.
“Your mom teach ya that?” I asked and then we both started laughing picturing him, a 6’6 man, being tutored by his mother in, of all things, water aerobics.
Yesterday he was in the middle of the shallow end, one arm down, his entire body stretched out perpandicularly and slowly circling. “This is what I call my Pinwheel,” he said before I could ask.
How can you not worship such an amazingly talented man?
I must.
D*#% straight.
That’s just not fair.
I was there a week ago!
“Water aeorobics boy” better make a repeat offense like “Monkey Boy”
It is a thing of beauty.
Less so and more disconcerting is his Sun God routine where he kneels on the edge of the deep end and turns toward the sun, eyes shut, face up and soaks up the rays.
Of course all is forgiven when he cups his face with both hands like a sunflower and coyly sticks out his tongue.
Monkey Boy has a run for his money in the race for Family Freak.
Just when you thought it was safe to go in the water . . .
Since I feel fear and giggles all at the same time…..then yes Monkey Boy does have some freak competition.