I have a two and a half year old little girl. She is in that mystical stage between baby and big girl. From time to time I would ask her, “Are you a baby or a big girl?” “Baby!” she would shout. Beginning of June I knew my days of having a baby were numbered so I questioned her daily. Every day she would answer confidently, “Baby!”
June 22, the second anniversary of my dad’s death she answered, “Big Guh” for the first time which gave me a pang. The next day she quickly reverted to “Baby”.
July 8, my 35th birthday she pulled “Big Guh” out of her hat again and then again reverted to “Baby” the next day.
I just got up from the computer and shouted outside, “Beanie, are you a baby or a big girl?”
At 4 pm on Sunday, July 17 she was a baby. In a few minutes she might be a big girl again.
That is fine with me.
My daughter is 2 and a half today. I am slightly sad about it because I loved her being a baby and soon she won’t be one any more. I love babies. I love them when they are innocent and loving and before they start to question you and insist on their own way.
But we all must go there. And I remember how much I resented my own mother wanted to prevent me from growing up.
Hi Alison,
It was a false alarm. Anyways, thumbs up from me. Good stuff. Yeah.
There is a privilege about being the last born… Beanie will always be able to pull “baby” out when she needs to (unless there is – gasp – another actual baby that comes along). She will always have the prerogative to be your baby, though I believe as you suspect — those times will be fewer and fewer as she grows. Hmmm, bittersweet.