Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to direct your attention to the right side of my blog, under links (note to self – learn HTML). If you are looking for good books to read or a movie to rent please check out
My friend, Mark, is valiantly working through his blog commitment issues and doing a public service in the process. He is compiling a list of recommended books and movies. How many of you have stood in front of a video display, a big bowl of mush where your brain once resided. Drool dribbles out the corner of your open mouth as you vainly try to recall that movie your friend gushed about. Think think, to no avail. Well those days are over, my friends. Just stroll on over to before you head out the door and your days of milling around video stores are over.
If you are an absolute movie junkie you might not be satisfied as the movie list is slowly being compiled. For the book whores in the crowd he already has 50 Books 2004 and is half way through 50 books 2005.
Admittedly, the movie list is lacking. I’m working on it. If given the chance, I’d rather read than watch a movie. And since I typically read every chance I get, that doesn’t leave much time for movies. At any rate, I appreciate the plug.
I know the feeling. Paul will rent a movie and if I have a good book I will struggle to lay it down. My request when he goes to the video store is “funny and clever”. He knows this but it can be hard to fulfill.