I love the lack of sophistication. I love if you tick one off she is going to let you know. I love the way they throw down their emotions but can be comforted by a snuggle with Mama and a blanket. I should get specific, I love my two year old’s still pudgy body, her sturdy legs. I love her funny little voice.
A story: I have this cross that a friend gave me. It is about 8 inches tall and silver. It doesn’t have a hanger or it would be hung above a door. In my former home it was propped on top a cupboard. In this one there isn’t a good spot as it is a bit tippy. My two year old glommed onto it. It soon found a home in one of her book baskets. One day I was making a tape of her to send to a cousin. I just sat and recorded her buzzing around the living room. She went and picked up her cross and then stood cradling it in front of the camera, an angelic look of devotion on her face. “Dis is ma cwoss”….blink blink….”Ah need to hit you wif it.” She raised the cross above her head and then wacked the camera. My cry of alarm is the last you hear before the tape stops.
It is fun hanging out with someone this spontaneous who is still small enough to throw in her crib when things get dangerous.
Sherry C says
I would love to meet her someday–hopefully before she grows up too much.
alison says
I hope you do too. She is terribly cute IMnevertobeHO and just weird enough to keep us laughing but not so much to worry.
Scott says
Scott says
Whoa – Burns moment. Sorry.
K Murphy J says
That totally reminds me of Sherry’s Nathaniel when he was little.
N: (holding a long stick) I’m a shepherd and this is my staff.
K: What do you do, as a shepherd?
N: Takes care of sheep.
K: What do you do with the staff?
N: (scrunches up his face into the fierce, ragey glare and wields the staff over his head) You HIT things with it. (Crash!)
Made me laugh for days. Years, evidently, since I’m chuckling right now about it.